Dear Support,
How does one change the font and font size for the mail in box, or
other mail boxes?
Try as I might, search the preferences, there is no option available to accomplish that, and I'm
stuck with the smallest font making it extremely difficult to read the text.
I can change the font on composition page, but not the mailbox itself.
When I read the mail I have to resort to using 'zoom' feature under the 'View' menu, but that
feature doesn't work for the mail boxes themselves.
I tried searching for an answer using the various forums, but the
problem is not addressed.
Computer: MacBook Pro
OS: OSX 10.8.2
SeaMonkey version: 2.13.2
Thanks in advance for your time,
"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty."
~ Thomas Jefferson 1796
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