JAS wrote:

I know this has been addressed before but am wondering if any progress
has been made toward a solution of adding a close button on tabs in SM
2.14.1 and beyond. I know you can right click and choose  to close tab
or if the tab is at the far right just click the close button on the
right or middle click on a tab to close it but my middle click button
has quite working on my mouse and hate to buy a new one.

As long as the tab is active (which you can tell because it's white and the others are slightly gray), the [x] at the right of all the tabs will close it, and the big [X] at the top right of the screen will as well, and so will CTRL-W and CTRL-F4.

So why do you need another mechanism?

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

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