DoctorBill wrote:

If one has a large file where one has forgotten where to look in it for an 
Item, once it is found by a search function, why keep using the search function 
- why not be able to go into the file and find it yourself.
i.e.- If you use the search part all the time, why even HAVE a flop down 
Bookmark Menu in the first place.
You seem to not like the Bookmark Menu - you want to go directly to the Search 
action ?
If so, that is your choice.
Why am I trying to convince you...are you one of the SM Programmers ?

Anything but : there are many aspects of the current design
which I dislike (e.g., the fact that "File Bookmark" and
the next five items scroll out of sight when the bottom
of the visible bookmarks is scrolled past) but I genuinely
cannot see what you hope to gain by knowing where a bookmark
is stored.  Are you going to create a new set of bookmarks,
each of which is to a page that tells you where each bookmark
in which you are interested is stored ?  What happens when
that list, too, gets too big ?  A third-level index ?

Convince me it is useful, and I will support you; but at
the moment I cannot envisage your "need to know", nor the
benefit that you hope to derive from the knowledge.

Philip Taylor
support-seamonkey mailing list

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