Back in August when the program started constantly asking me if I wanted to 'COMPACT NOW?', I finally clicked OK to whatever the message was in the hope that it would stop asking me the question.

Instead it seemed to compact almost constantly, causing a 'fluttering' of the script on my emails and making them almost unreadable. So I looked for a way to reverse what I had done and made a bit mistake. As I searched through the '\help' options I came across one that offered " Restart with add-ons disabled"

When I clicked on yes, the program reverted to a new installation, and I lost all emails, including all those that I had saved for the previous 6 months since I had bought this computer. Unfortunately I could not find a way to reverse what I had just done. I have just switched over to Thunderbird, and all the current email lists have imported completely.

Does anyone have any idea how I might retrieve those lost emails in Sea Monkey - personal ones with photos are the ones I would like to retrieve - or are they gone completely?

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