Paul B. Gallagher wrote, On 15/01/2013 22:03:
Ray_Net wrote:
Philip TAYLOR wrote, On 15/01/2013 16:45:

Ray_Net wrote:

I think that he spaeak about Mails, not News .... there is no Threads
in mail.
Yet there is a View / Threads option in Mail (I never use Usenet news),
and changing the option changes the threads that are displayed . . .

Philip Taylor
Oups ! You are true ... i never imagine that.
Anyway i have "All" for View-Threads option.
But i cannot see threads .. i see mails after mails without relations
between 2 mails.

If you want mails to be threaded, choose View | Sort by | Threaded.

If you look very carefully, you can see a pale gray hairline between the three sets of options (Date... Attachments; Ascending/Descending; and Threaded/Unthreaded/Grouped by Sort). You can choose independently for each of the three groups, so for example you can have Date, Ascending, Threaded as I do.

In the case where you've chosen View | Messages | Unread (a separate option), each message that you open is automatically marked as read (until you unmark it manually), so if you view a message and then select another one, the first one (which is now marked as read) will disappear from the list. If you want all messages to be listed regardless of read/unread status, choose View | Messages | All. The unread ones will still be bolded in the list so you can tell them apart.

Another little-known option is at Edit | Preferences | Mail & Newsgroups | Message Display:

[x] Automatically mark messages as read
   (•) Immediately on display
   (o) After displaying for 00 seconds

This is the default. If you want messages to be marked as read only after some delay, choose the last option and enter the number of seconds. This way, you can view a message briefly and move on and it will remain "unread." Or, if you never want the system to mark messages as read (if you want to do all such marking manually), disable the first option.

Thanks for your reply - this is realy usefull informations.
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