Lee wrote:
Lee wrote:
Any one having any problems with the latest update?

OK, I finally got it to post by uninstalling it and of course installing
it again.

OK, first it kept timing out in the newsgroups

It was also bringing up post going back to April 2010 even
after deleting them several times

Could not save my prior comment to draft file either.

I was just curious if other had any problems when they
installed the latest update. first time for me and wanted to
be sure before complaining to USENET   It almost makes me
want to quit (grin) only joking

Boy, are you ahead of the game, Lee!! Version 12.15.1??? Most here might be just moving to Ver 2.15.1.....typo I guess!

Are you timing out on all news group servers or just one?? If the former, then could be SM problem, if the latter, most likely NG server problem!!


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