question wrote:
question wrote:
WaltS wrote:
On 02/14/2013 07:31 PM, question wrote:
WaltS wrote:
question wrote:
WaltS wrote:
On 02/14/2013 06:01 PM, question wrote:
Why do the  seamonkey people keep messing with JAVA .

     I have the newest and have removed the old version..

And Still JAVA works one Day but not the next DAy and it is not on
one SITE but many sites ..

     If i want to take my Chances on JAVA, Then So be it..and Quit
me .

Can you provide some links to test?

I never come across any that require Java.


My wife plays these games ...  I Reinstall JAVA . It works...  Next
I have to Reinstall Java for HER.

Please Quit being God on ADD ONS .

Her Computer   Win 7 home,  My computer win 7 PRO   I keep having to
reconfigure Seamonkey DAILY to use POGO

It all started when the word came out about JAVA security .
And it was posted here that JAVA was being Disabled..

JAVA consol Shows Mozilla uncheck after Starting up Seamonkey .

Sorry, I can't duplicate your problem.

I disabled Java, went to the site, and all the
games I tried worked just fine.

Can you provide a specific game there that requires Java?

yes all Flash player games work..

Tri peeks

both are JAVA,,,and many others

today we started getting A box tat wants to RUN JAVATEST script .

OK, on the Tumble Bees page, I get a pop-up informing me that the
applications digital signature can not be verified, and freezes my
SeaMonkey until I get...

"A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding.
You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script
will complete. The page being Script:";

Stopping the script, and activating the Start Game button gives me a
pop-up from (not SeaMonkey) that says "An up-to-date Java has
not been detected." My Java is up to date and enabled.

Options in that pop-up are Download Java along with...

(Please refresh your browser after download)
Download didn't work? Try these steps!

     Try refreshing and playing again
     Enable Java
     Re-install Java

Visit our Frequently Asked Questions Page for more help.

FAQ page <>

This might help <>

Maybe clearing your browser cache will help.

Good Luck!

  Found out Why the lockup...   Pogo/ Ea has a new JAVA Certificate And
an applet pops up and it WILL NOT INSTALL it locks Seamonkey

SEE here

Java/Oracole Certificat WAS expired in Java Console .

it expired last year 2012

Java/security/ Certificate / USER TAB and Deleted their certicate ..

  uninstalled JAVA 7 U 13 ..

Reinstalled Java 7 u 13

And java is Working in pogo Java Games

  I will now reboot and see if it Cured it Forever .

I am here after the reboot... and Pogo games work..

So the JAVA Problem is That Jave/Orcle Has Not Reneweled their Certificates .
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