On 25/02/2013 22:38, chokito wrote:
> SeaMonkey 2.16 shows false characters in email preview window when
> viewed as "Original HTML". When "Simple HTML" or "Plain Text" is
> selected, then it shows the right characters. See the example at
> http://homepage.hispeed.ch/chokito/SM216_1.png, the character font in
> the email is ISO-8859-15.

This is probably Bug 594646 - If order of http-equiv and content in
<meta> is reversed(<meta content="...;charset=..."
http-equiv="Content-Type">), charset in <meta> is applied to mail data
coverted to utf-8. Thus, non-ascii characters are shown in garbled



Philip Chee <phi...@aleytys.pc.my>, <philip.c...@gmail.com>
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