dirk wrote:
David H. Durgee wrote:
dirk wrote:
David H. Durgee wrote:
Philip TAYLOR wrote:

dirk wrote:
Philip TAYLOR wrote:
c subject....

just some webspace I can use by my provider.

I want to upload some pics to share

I used to use a ftp app, but like to know if drag and drop is

You know, like from one folder to another

It may well be possible, but unless we know what sort of
web interface your provider offers, it will be very
difficult to offer informed advice.

Philip Taylor

As Philip noted this is very much a function of the ISP's choice of
interface.  Comcast, for example, does support FTP access and thus you
could install the FireFTP tool to access their web storage.  Verizon,
however, offers access only via their "Web site builder", which is a
VERY limited and limiting tool.

So you should first check your ISPs "help" section and see what
procedures are for your particular situation.


to the looks of it I need AN ftp Proggie.....

In that case I would recommend FireFTP:



is that standalone or implemented in Mozilla, because I already
implemented that, but I have NO idea as to how it even starts..?!?!

Once you have it installed in SeaMonkey you will find a "FireFTP" menu entry on your drop-down "Tools" menu. This will open a tab or window where you can create an FTP account, connect to the server and transfer files in both directions.


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