To whom it may concern,

I have Seamonkey 2.15.2 installed on a windows 7-64 bit machine. I can not get any video with Seamonkey. I have installed Adobe flash player version 11.5.502.147 and it does not recognize Seamonkey and Seamonkey does not recognize the player.

Also I installed the latest Java version 7 update 13 and Seamonkey does not recognize the java upgrade. When I click on "Help" and then go to "About plugins" it takes me to the Mozilla Firefox website. The website says "For your safety, Firefox has disabled your outdated version of Java. Please upgrade to the latest version."
Even though I have downloaded and installed the latest version of Java.

*Can you fix this*. I never had problems with SeaMonkey using earlier versions.

I use SeaMonkey because I more control of the Software then FireFox.

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