WaltS wrote:
On 04/03/2013 11:16 AM, A Williams wrote:
question wrote:
Hartmut Figge wrote:
Lemuel Johnson:
Hartmut Figge wrote:


this page loads WAy off to The Right of the seamonkey Screen

For my SM 2.20a1 the page is shifted to the left.

IE renders it correctly...

This is what  http://validator.w3.org/ shows for the site:
44 Errors, 14 warning(s)

Happens for me too if I change Preferences Minimum Font size from None
to 16.

Playing with Minimum Font size does not help here, unless i check
documents to use other fonts'.


There were 2 Recalls...

And this one does not render also


I am still on Seamonkey 2.16.1 (Linux, x64) and have no problems with
either site.  Has anyone tried it with Firefox 20?
It would be excellent if their glorious html broke Firefox as well,
firstly because then the would be much more likely to fix their site
(Firefox is *the* main browser) and secondly because it is not something
for the Seamonkey team to have to worry about.

Tested with Firefox 20, and still renders properly as it does in my
SeaMonkey 2.17 as stated earlier.

It breaks both in FF and SM if you increase font size. Does not break in IE.

Ed Mullen
Bad breath is better than no breath.
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