Felix Miata wrote:

> Beauregard T. Shagnasty composed:
>> Geoff Welsh wrote:
>>> IIRC, Opera reports that it /IS/ IE....
>> Maybe you have modified your copy of Opera... mine reports as:
>> Opera/9.80 (X11; Linux i686) Presto/2.12.388 Version/12.14
> And maybe he didn't. Opera used to ID as IE. Opera profiles created
> while that policy was in effect stay that way AFAIK until the user
> selects a different UA to report.

How many versions ago might that have been? As far as I remember, the word 
Opera has always been included in the UA string. Some details here:


"Opera identifies as Opera by default, but because Opera may be configured 
to spoof as Internet Explorer or Firefox, some sites and statistics 
mistakenly count Opera as IE or Firefox. To identify Opera, look for 
"Opera" in the user agent string. Examples of Opera spoofing the user 
agent string are given below:"

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