Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
The last few weeks, I've had a poor user experience with YouTube -- it doesn't buffer ahead well, so the videos will play for a bit, pause for a bit, play for a bit, pause for a bit, and sometimes not resume for minutes at a time.

I have plenty of bandwidth: speed test says 58 Mbps download, 39 Mbps upload <>.

My computer isn't stressed, according to Windows Task Manager -- gigabytes of free RAM, only a few percent of CPU in use, no other downloads in progress (e.g., Windows Update). AV checks (entire computer, not just key areas) come up clean.

This is a consistent pattern morning, noon, and night. It also affects Internet Exploiter 10, FWIW.

It sometimes helps briefly to clear my browser cache and "all sites" at Adobe's Settings Manager. Then the issue returns, often within minutes.

My principal question here is, is it just me, or is there an issue with YouTube? I seem to be fine with

I understand this is probably OT for this forum, but I need a good sample.


Houston, TX, we only get 5 Mbps but youtube runs well with no lag.
With only a youtube vid running this machine uses less than 1% gpu,
cpu, mem use, 94k cache usage.  Perhaps the data push is too much for
the programs and processors to handle so it stops or slows the feed
for a while until they catch up to the feed?
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