On 6/14/13 10:41 AM, MCBastos wrote:
> Interviewed by CNN on 14/06/2013 10:50, Desiree told the world:
>> That's good news! With Opera self destroying I am reading that a lot of 
>> Opera users are choosing Sea Monkey ....not Fx because Fx is also self 
>> destroying...the ones choosing Fx when they leave Opera are choosing the 
>> ESR version...but most are discovering SM and liking it.
> You know, while I deeply lament the demise of the Presto engine, I am a
> bit fed up with the hyperbole used whenever something dares not to stay
> the same for ever and ever and EVER:
> - I have seen it when Seamonkey moved to 2.x,
> - And again when 2.1 moved bookmarks to Places
> - I have seen it when Firefox moved to the rapid-release train
> - I have seen it with *every* release of Windows
> - And yes, I have seen it even in the (largely positive) changeovers
> from MacOS 9 to OSX and from PowerPC to Intel. There are ALWAYS people
> who don't want any change.
> I haven't tried Australis yet. I understand it changes the way we do a
> number of things. Some of the changes seem interesting, some of them
> seem "meh". But I don't see anything that would rate as
> "self-destroying." I understand that it will break some extensions,
> which is annoying. But while changing stuff entails some risks, standing
> still is a sure way to die. And any extension which is not being
> actively maintained is a long-term security and stability risk anyway,
> because any bugs which are discovered are *not* getting fixed.
> The general attitude is best reflected in this page:
> <http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheyChangedItNowItSucks>
> (beware, TV Tropes is a timesink way, WAY worse than Wikipedia or Facebook)

The problem is that change merely for the sake of change requires users
to relearn how to use the application when they would rather be surfing
the Web.

David E. Ross

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