Jens Hatlak wrote:
sean nathan wrote:
2. The release notes for 2.18 (it would have been nice to see them
included, or at least linked, in the 2.19 release notes -- after all,
there was no general release with that particular set of changes...)

They are linked: "relative to _SeaMonkey 2.18_" (both from the main page
and Changes page).

mentions an experimental Private Browsing mode. How do I find it?

Under File/New, the context menu for links, and about:privatebrowsing.

3. Since I'm mentioning the release notes, there's some wording there
that should have been fixed a long time ago. Where it is written

"Data loss warning: If you use a profile with this or any later version
and then try to go back to SeaMonkey 2.0,"...

It should really be written:

"Data loss warning: If you use a profile with any version later than 2.1
and then try to go back to SeaMonkey 2.0,"...

Hmm, not a grave issue, but if you think it should have been fixed long
ago you should have mentioned it long ago, no? ;-)



i must have been drunk or high on something which made me fail to proofread and clarify my prior post...

i meant to say i had 2.19 picked up and ran along just fine where my prior version left off... i lost no data, and i did NOT have to re-register anything...


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