Paul B. Gallagher:

>If I go into about:data, right-click a domain, and choose the only 
>option, "Forget about this domain," nothing happens.

A new tab appears with options, what to forget.

>If I close and reload the Data Manager, everything is exactly as I
>left it for that domain.

What do you think should happen instead, if you chose no action?

>However, if I check all the "default" boxes in the right-hand pane, 
>/then/ it does forget.

If you click on the now selectable button 'Forget This Data'.

>As usual with the Data Manager, the display doesn't update to reflect
>the change (no positive feedback),

In my test case there was only one option selectable in the new tab,
'Content Preferences'. After clicking on 'Forget This Data' the domain
was gone immediately.

SM 2,22a1 Linux x86_64

>Could we either eliminate the context-menu option, or make it work?

Forgetting all of the domain without the option to select, what to
forget? Or a new option to avoid the new tab with the selectable options?

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