Geoff Welsh wrote:
Mr. Cheese wrote:
Geoff Welsh wrote:
Mr. Cheese wrote:
Rob wrote:
Mr. Cheese <> wrote:
A Williams wrote:
Mr. Cheese wrote:
Suddenly yesterday SM doesn't not display graphics when I view
I've not made any changes to my environment (that I know of). For
example, logos, and pictures on commercial emails are not shown.
Any idea what's going on?

That is controlled by:
Edit -> Options -> Mail & Newsgroups -> Message Display -> "Block
and other content from remote sources".

I found "block images..." under Edit>Preferences. It was not checked.

Actually for a mail with embedded images it is the setting of
"View -> Display attachments inline" that controls this. There should
be a checkmark in front of that menu entry. If not, click it.

You probably clicked there by accident and changed the setting.
At work, we have locked this setting to "on" for that reason, but
that is not so simple for the home user to implement.

Display attachments inline is checked. any other ideas?

IDR, did you restart with all Add-Ons disabled?

An Add-On (extension, plug-in) breaking is the cause of 99% of "sudden"
new SM problems, from what I have read over the years.

Yes, I've restarted with add-ons disabled. No effect.

I think the next step is creating a new profile, to get the same
messages, and see if they come through normally, with the settings
properly chosen.

Tried a new profile and display is correct. Any idea what happened. all the settings are the same. Now the hard part: how do I get all my email accounts and sub folders moved over... I hope I don't have to rebuild everything
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