Rob wrote, On 05/08/2013 11:01:
Ray_Net <> wrote:
accentuated characters looks like they are created in utf8 and read in
iso ....
when SM receive a mail crated by live-mail using a gmail account.
Mail very difficult to read ...BUT .....
If a do a "forward" or a "Edit as new message" all accentuated
characters are OK....
How is it possible to have a perfect text when we do a "forward" or an
"Edit msg as new" and having an horrible renderning when reading the
received mail.
D'après les échos de chez l'une ou l'autre guide
instead of :
D'après les échos de chez l'une ou l'autre guide
View -> Character encoding -> auto detect -> universal.
When it cannot detect a character set, in the same menu choose the
correct character set (e.g. UTF8).
Good idea, but choosing UTF8 give me:
D'apr�s les �chos
which is not correct.
I have tested all charset available, and i never got a correct reading.
The thing i find very strange, is that when i do a forward or a Edit msg
as new ... magically the accentuated characters are OK.
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