Trane Francks wrote:
On 8/10/13 6:27 AM +0900, Daniel wrote:
Rob wrote:
I installed 2.20 on a system at work where we still use 2.14.1 and
noticed that signatures are now displayed "dim" in HTML mail as well.
(this used to be the case only in text mail, but I don't know if this
has changed now in 2.20 or in an earlier release after 2.14.1)

Rob, as far as I know, the sig file has always shown "dim", at least in
text msg, as I use. Don't know if it was different in HTML composition.

That's definitely a new feature since 2.19. Prior to that, HTML sigs
displayed with the same "intensity" as normal text.

Older than that, by at least a year, but I'm not sure how far back it goes.

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