On 2013-08-09 5:00 AM, Rob wrote:
I installed 2.20 on a system at work where we still use 2.14.1 and
noticed that signatures are now displayed "dim" in HTML mail as well.
(this used to be the case only in text mail, but I don't know if this
has changed now in 2.20 or in an earlier release after 2.14.1)

I see no UI to control this.  Is there a hidden preference for it?
I want to disable this feature because it does not look good, especially
when someone has mistakenly added a message and signature ABOVE a
quoted mail.

SeaMonkey has always displayed signatures in HTML messages in grey. Maybe you had an extension like quotecolors set to not display signatures in grey. :-/

In any case, you can use the instructions at <http://seamonkey.ilias.ca/mailnewsfaq/SigColour>.

Chris Ilias <http://ilias.ca>
Newsgroup moderator
support-seamonkey mailing list

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