Playing samples on Amazon used to work for me, but over the last few days I've been getting the uninformative message "Error 3" when I hit the "listen" button. I am not aware of having touched / changed anything related to sample file playback.

Looking around the forums and web, I saw posts indicating such problems may be associated with Flash Player, and so I used Synaptic to install the most current Flash Player available (11,2,202,297 - a little more current than the version that had been delivered with Mint 15). It didn't make a difference.

Grasping at straws and wondering if the problem was related to the helper application for m3u files, I added "Videos" (Totem) as the helper application for m3u files. Again, it didn't make a difference.

Finally, I tried opening the same Amazon page ( ) with Firefox - and found FF to play the samples just fine. FF's plugin list and helper application list appear identical to those in SM.

Can anyone suggest what I should look at / try to get SM to play the Amazon sound samples?

Thanks in advance for any help!
Rob Lindauer, (replace "att" with "sbc")
support-seamonkey mailing list

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