On 9/7/2013 5:38 PM PT, Hartmut Figge typed:
Which means that current versions of add-ons *won't* work with SM 1.x.
Your best bet is looking at old versions, which are almost certainly
abandoned by their authors and no longer maintained (kind of like SM
1.x, in fact) -- and therefore not up to handling the latest crop of
advertiser tricks.
In my archive is among others adblock_plus-1.0.2-fx+sm+tb.xpi with
<!-- SeaMonkey -->
so it should work with SM 1.1.19. Paul may search for that xpi or i
could mail it to him if he wishes.
Confirmed from my notes that ABP v1.0.2
) will work with SM v1.1.x. However, many filters will not work with the
old ABP versions. :(
"Ants never sleep." --Ralph Waldo Emerson, poet
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