On 07/09/13 08:19, Justin Wood (Callek) wrote:
Hey Everyone!

So,  I will be in brussles as of Oct 2, planning to be a tourist for a
bit. And since most of you will be arriving on Oct 3 sometime, I'm
hoping to gather us all for dinner outside of the official Summit event
for food, a few drinks, and chat! (I'm going to `try` and cover the cost
of this, but I can't promise just yet)

Please reply to me directly if you are going to brussles for the summit
and would like to attend this gathering of SeaMonkey people. Also
welcome is any of you who are going to be in Brussles on the 3rd.

~Justin Wood (Callek)

Brussels is my hometown. I'll be there _during_ the Summit, even tough due to some mixup I won't (alas) participate _in_ the Summit.

As said on IRC (but I'm repeating it here to leave a somewhat more permanent record) I suggest to avoid the tourist traps near Central Station, Main Square, Butchers' Street (and your hotel), and to go to the other (West) side of the North-South thoroughfare (which is Boulevard Anspach etc.). That's Chinatown where IMHO you get good to great cooking at quite moderate prices. (But of course not mussles & fries, which IMHO are overrated anyway.)

And, there _is_ a MacDonald's on the border of that Chinatown (just in front of the Stock Exchange) but that's specifically _not_ the kind of joint I had in mind. ;-)

You said on IRC «Brussels» «late afternoon early evening». That's rather vague. Shall we decide some more precise time and place where we'll _meet_ before we walk to wherever it'll be that we have _dinner_? I suggest the lobby of the Royal Windsor, at, hm. 6pm? 7pm? other?

Other ideas welcome, of course.

Best regards,
Wise Men Still Seek Him...Apparently, He's lost.

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