BIll Spikowski wrote:
Daniel wrote:
BIll Spikowski wrote:
I dislike HTML e-mail and almost never voluntarily compose one in
HTML, but it seems they're everywhere these days and I'm trying to adjust.

When replying or forwarding an HTML email, is there any way to do so
in kind automatically? I've learned to hold down the shift key before
hitting "reply" or "forward," but still I forget every third or fourth
time and have to go back and do it again to avoid the quoted material
looking like garbage.

Bill, I thought that if you replied to a "text" e-mail, your reply was
also a "text" e-mail. Similarly, if you're replying to an HTML e-mail,
your reply is in HTML.

That's the behavior I'd prefer -- it seems logical. However, on all my
computers, without the shift key, HTML gets converted to plain text,
which looks awful.

Unless you press the shift key, as you mention, which changes your reply
to the opposite format.

Have you had a look at Edit->Preferences->Mail & Newsgroups->Send Format
to see if that might give you what you want??

Let me experiment. Right now I have that preference set to "send the
message in both plain text and HTML" -- because none of the other
options sounds closer to what I'm looking for. Also, because I've
never figured out how Seamonkey supposedly knows whether my recipients
are able to receive HTML -- I have no clue, so how could I instruct SM???

In the EDIT->'Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings' dialog, look at the 'Composition & Addressing' page for either your mail or newsgroups.

The top checkbox is for 'Compose messages in HTML format'. If you check that, then just hitting reply will compose in HTML and hitting shift with reply will switch back to text, just the opposite of what you have now.

In the Preferences dialog, you've already found the 'Send Format' page where you can select which one to actually send.

In the address book, double click on the name of your chosen recipient. The dialog has a choice at the bottom for 'Prefers to receive messages formatted as:'. Select it there for each recipient.

Not as clean as it could be, but then HTML is really a pig when it comes to taking network bandwidth. But then again, bandwidth seems to be pretty cheap these days, unless you're on a dial up...

Personally, I default to edit in text and then give me a choice on how to send a message. Most of the formatting is just silly eye candy. Too much candy isn't good for you...In the EDIT->'Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings' dialog, look at the 'Composition & Addressing' page for either your mail or newsgroups.

The top checkbox is for 'Compose messages in HTML format'. If you check that, then just hitting reply will compose in HTML and hitting shift with reply will switch back to text, just the opposite of what you have now.

In the Preferences dialog, you've already found the 'Send Format' page where you can select which one to actually send.

In the address book, double click on the name of your chosen recipient. The dialog has a choice at the bottom for 'Prefers to receive messages formatted as:'. Select it there for each recipient.

Not as clean as it could be, but then HTML is really a pig when it comes to taking network bandwidth. But then again, bandwidth seems to be pretty cheap these days, unless you're on a dial up...

Personally, I default to edit in text and then give me a choice on how to send a message. Most of the formatting is just silly eye candy. Too much candy isn't good for you...

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