Trane Francks wrote:
On 9/15/13 2:43 AM +0900, Rufus wrote:
Ed Mullen wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
Rufus wrote:

I'm not really sure why TB has a Password Manager in the first place,
really...seeing as there's no associated Browser.

What else would you use to log in to your Mail and News servers?

That's just *one* password, and if you use multiple servers one would
think you'd just associate each password with each server Account.

It's not like you're surfing from website to website and have tons of
them to retain, like when browsing.

Well, if you have my multiple email accounts and servers etc., yeah,
that is a good thing.

Still, you don't really need to "manage" them the way you do when
browsing - just associate one password with each server/Account.  And I
can't see a need for a Master Password, in that case.

What it seems is that they use the same Password Manager as Seamonkey,
even though I don't see that ability in Firefox.  So why not do
something more appropriate to TB?  And more secure...

On top of which, the more I learn here about how Password Manager works
the less I trust it as being "secure".  I've been lobbying for over a
decade to be able to use SM in my workplace, and I've always been told
by our IT people that we can't use it because of I get why.
But we can and are allowed to use Firefox - presumably because there is
no PM built into it, that I can find.  Or Mail/News ability.

I can't speak of later versions, but FF 18 certainly stores passwords
and enables one to manage them in the same way as SM. Visit the Security
tab and it's right there.

Yeah...I went and looked and saw that. I think they must disable that feature in my workplace somehow; and I'm also not sure which version we've been pushed, really.

I very seldom use FF at work - seeing as I can't Admin my own machine I just use the corporate defaults most of the time...which means IE.

But my increasing skepticism about the PM continues to grow, the more I read here...which is another reason I find myself seriously contemplating alternatives to SM.

     - Rufus
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