On 22-Oct-13 16:48, Ray Davison wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

Suppose you have two profiles named "Alpha" and "Bravo" ("Alpha" being
older) and you want Bravo listed first. Create a profile called
"Alpha-new," with exactly the same server settings as "Alpha." Drag and
drop all your message folders from the "Alpha" profile to the
"Alpha-new" profile (message filters will automatically update). Test
the "Alpha-new" profile to make sure you can send and receive mail as
desired. If it passes, delete the old "Alpha" profile. You can then
rename "Alpha-new" if you like and it will not move, because it's newer
than "Bravo" (I recommend restarting the program first).

You are right, the profile menu is not sorted, new are just added on.
But, you are working much too hard to order them.  Just delete them but
don't delete the files, then recreate them using the same
sub-directories, but in the order you want.

While you are at it you can move them to somewhere safe, like a data
partition.  If you are nervous about deleting the profile menu, copy
them to the new location before you delete them from the profile menu.


Thank you all for the input. I was asking about the profile manager, being able to sort names there in a certain order.

I tried using a # and different letters, but it just keeps adding at the bottom.

Does this mean I need to go into settings for profiles and change it there and it will change in SM Profile Manager, where one goes to select which profile they wish to open?

Thank you again - Bo1953

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