Interviewed by CNN on 30/10/2013 10:43, WaltS told the world:
> On 10/30/2013 02:46 AM, Judy Dolby wrote:
>> I made my 6 user profiles and placed each profile folder in the spot
>> that I chose for them.  All I get is one profile.  "Switch user" get
>> same profile even after picking a different user.  It is as if SeaMonkey
>> can not see the users profiles.  It has made a profile of its own also
>> in same folder where my profiles are.  Never had this problem with
>> earlier versions.
>> I am back to using older Seamonkey and Google chrome for sites that no
>> longer support my old version.
>> Judy
> Maybe because your Windows 98 isn't supported.
> <>

I wasn't aware that *any* version of Google Chrome was compatible with
Win98... I mean, the initial release was in 2008, almost 7 years after
XP hit the stores and well into the age of Vista... no sane developer
would bother with those old APIs. (In fact, from a bit of googling
around, it seems it never supported even Win2000.)

So I don't know what that user-agent string in Judy's message means, but
I think it does not tell the whole story.


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