Desiree wrote:
Why did I have to use IE 10 just now in order to download an xpi  file
from Addons?  SeaMonkey wouldn't let me do anything because the file
needs to have the maxversion number edited (to work on the current
SeaMonkey) hence the need to download to disk. So, I tried to download
from Fx which I couldn't do either. Fx only offered to install it not
download it.

What happened to being able to download the xpi files to disk from Fx
and SM?  Why has that option disappeared?

This extension works fine (so far at least) on SeaMonkey after I edited
the maxversion number.

You should be able to right-click the "Add to SeaMonkey" button and choose "Save link target as" to save to disk. If, however, you RC and choose "Copy link location" instead in order to paste the link into your browser to download you will get a URL such as:

instead of:

The first one won't work, the second one will.

Ed Mullen
The online world today is a scary place so remember, practice safe hex.
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