BIll Spikowski wrote:
Daniel wrote:
BIll Spikowski wrote:
Daniel wrote:
BIll Spikowski wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Jens Hatlak wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Certainly some of the most annoying ones - like the short drop downs,
path following, the problems with the Profile Manager - are SM specific
interface issues, right?  Why do bugs like these persist so long?

Hey, actual examples! So, for the fun of it, let's check...

* Short drop downs. IIRC, this is a Mac-specific issue. Most SM
developers don't have a Mac, and at least some, like me, don't want one
(which is their personal taste, not to argue with). IIRC, there are only
two SM developers who have a Mac at all, and both are known for having
very little time. They do what they can, but analyzing the root causes
of such bugs probably doesn't fit their time schedule. All you can do is
a) analyze the bug as good as you can (e.g. by collecting all
occurrences, making screen shots and attaching them to the bug) and b)
try to narrow down when the issue first appeared, ideally down to the
nightly builds level, so that identifying the causing change in code
becomes possible.

Jens, could you please check out my Comment 11 on, as I'm seeing a
clipped screen on my Win7 SM 2.22b2 Spell Checker screen.

These days, the Spell Checker dialog is ALWAYS clipped at the bottom
on my Windows XP system. I haven't seen the problem on any other
dialog boxes.

When you say "These days,", how long are we talking, Bill??

(Glad to see it's not just me with Windows problems!!)

At least several weeks now. Since the problem doesn't really interfere
with how I use Seamonkey, I hadn't paid it too much attention.

Reason I asked, Bill, was that my Win7 Internet was non-functional for a
good while, so I updated from about 2.18 to 2.22 in one go, so the
problem could have occured anywhere in that time, but you seem to be
suggesting SM was o.k. in 2.21 but broken in 2.22.

Jens Hatlak (SM Dev team) now seems to want me to start a separate Bug
for this Windows problem (as distinct to the Mac's problem), so knowing
the release/time frame is handy.

I wish I had been paying more attention!

I'm not certain that the problem is new to 2.22; it's possible it
appeared back in 2.21.

Another complicating factor is that I sometimes wait a few weeks
before allowing SM to update. One extension that's critical to me,
Lightning (which lets me communicate with colleagues who use the
Outlook calendar), NEVER is ready when a SM update is released. I
think I understand why, and it's not something that SM can fix, but it
sure wrecks my day-to-day user experience...

I first noticed it after after 2.13.1.  It's been there at least that long.

     - Rufus
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