bryan roache <> wrote:
> hi, is their any way, to turn Sea-monkey in to a text browser for screen 
> reader users? meaning that the links are eliminated, and the text of a 
> page-is left for easy reading with a screen reader.

Screen readers and seamonkey don't like eachother.

We have a user with a screenreader (Dolphin SuperNova) in the company
and I hear nothing but complaints.  We'll turn away from seamonkey soon
anyway, so it is not much of a priority, but the point seems to be that
the writers of software simply don't know about and don't support

Sometimes they *do* support Firefox and Thunderbird, which surprises
me because I thought under the hood those are much the same, but still
there are problems that users don't have with e.g. Internet Explorer
and Outlook.
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