Trane Francks wrote:
On 12/1/13 3:32 PM +0900, regz91 wrote:
LnrB wrote:
WaltS wrote:
sean nathan wrote:
> Stéphane Grégoire wrote, On 11/30/2013 06:10 AM:
>> Hi,
>> Ed Mullen a tapoté, le 27/11/2013 08:33:
>>> What theme do you use?  Default? Modern?  Or some add-on?
>> <>
> I've mostly never understood why folks spend so much time on
> personas/themes etc... As long as everything works I'm happy. Also
> time someone mentions a theme, I'm usually confronted with "This
> not available for Seamonkey 2.whatever ...
> This simple grey installed fine, everything works satisfactorily, but
> I'm wondering why there's a giant swirly in the upper right corner?

It is the Debian logo, and part of the theme design.


I had that once, a long time ago, before I got it through my thick head
that Linux was GeekWare and I would never speak Penguin.
You should have tried out more newbie friendly distros rather than using
"build everything yourself" and use "command line for everything"

You must mean Slackware. :^)

Yes. slack is included. The best list of easy to use vs difficult to use distros is beautifully compiled by Arch wiki. Whatever is put under "Source-based" and "Minimalist" are going to be really tough to use.


GNOME 3.10.1
openSUSE 13.1 (Bottle) (x86_64) 64-bit
Kernel Linux 3.11.6-4-desktop
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