John E пишет:
On Sun, 05 Jan 2014 at 18:26:31 +0900, Trane Francks wrote:

I don't seem to see anything really wrong. You say the browser works and
none of the warnings seem to be deal breakers. Just create an icon to
launch SeaMonkey on your desktop and away you go. As for not being able
to start from just using 'seamonkey', that would only work if
/usr/local/seamonkey is in your path. Most modern UNIX/Linux releases do
not out-of-the-box enable forgoing the leading './' on program execution
as a means of ensuring that you're executing the program you're
expecting to execute.

Thanks for the response.  There are some issues that lead me to suspect
my installation hasn't completed properly though:

1.  The only way I can open SM is by terminal command ./seamonkey from

2.  My Terminal remains held all the time I'm using SM and only clears
     when I close SM

3.  A SM icon automatically appears in my Unity taskbar on the left
     of my screen while SM is running, but it disappears again when
     I close SM,  so there's no obvious way I can reopen SM again
     unless I go to /usr/local/seamonkey in Terminal again and type
     ./seamonkey.    I don't know how to make that SM icon stay in
     position in Unity and serve as a path link to re-open SM when needed
     (Unity is relatively new to me)

4.  Although I have Adobe Flash Player installed and it's working
     fine on Firefox,  I'm getting a prompt to install it whenever I try
     to view pages with video content on SM.

5.  In my list of installed applications,  SM does not appear.

Hence I'm left with the impression that all those GTK-WARNING ** Failed
to load type module: (null)  lines that appear in Terminal each time I
try to load SM indicate that something is going wrong,  Terminal is
getting stuck,  and my load is not completing properly.

Any suggestions?         +  John

Go to ~/.local/share/applications directory (create it if it's absent), create seamonkey.desktop file (look other files there, or in /usr/share/applications), so that its command is "/usr/local/seamonkey" its name is "SeaMonkey" or "SeaMonkey Internet Suite" or whatever etc.
Also you add this:
So that it gets correctly matched with SM windows in Unity.

As for the messages, it says that it's something wrong with Ubuntu Appmenu GTK2 module. Since SM doesn't support Appmenu anyway (Firefox and Thunderbird in Ubuntu are patched to add the support), it wouldn't affect it in any ways.

Another option is to use a PPA. I have one: Because of some errors with Python, the package is built for Quantal. It should work on Precise as well.
And it has the mentioned above appmenu patch, so the appmenu should work.

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