Rob wrote, On 1/14/2014 5:13 AM:
flyguy <flyguy26e@verizon.netto> wrote:
I deleted my gmail POP account, then went through the setup for a gmail
IMAP account. When I clicked "Finish", SM crashed. I filled out the
crash report, restarted SM - same story. Rebooted, tried again, same story.

What's going on?

When you don't want to create an entirely new profile, first try it this
way: remove the account, close Seamonkey (via File/Quit, not by closing
the window), find the ImapMail directory in your profile and remove everything
that is in it.

Then start Seamonkey and try adding the account again.

And the prize goes to ... Rob! Your advice worked, and I was able to create an account. SM crashed the first time I tried to get email, but it worked fine after, once I got the settings right (some operator error slowed things down). Setup was a lot easier on the iPad!

Anyway, both the PC and iPad are remaining in sync. If they continue to work properly, I'll try changing another account to IMAP. And if that works, maybe try my wife's gmail next, so her iPad and Pc stay together. Risky business, tampering with her email..

Thanks for everyone's advice - "The Devil is in the details".

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