jim wrote:
Seamonkey 2.9.1

that the email composition font is liable to change from your setting for
html messages to variable font mixed (i think that is what it is) is not
longer something i beat myself up for as something "i am doing" since i
find out it happens to other people (and even with thunderbird).  I found
it several years ago and changed it form a serif (times roman or courier
or similar) to match my primary arial composition font and size as close
as possible and can not 'refind" it since i have made a recent change in
my html font from "large" to extra large".

cutting to the chase: does anyone know where the setting for the secondary
default font for email composition in Seamonkey is?


Not quite sure what you mean by "secondary font", Jim. But, the font settings are in:

Edit - Preferences - Appearance - Fonts.

Ed Mullen
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