Geoff Welsh wrote:
Mike C wrote:
Daniel wrote:
On 22/01/14 02:08, Mike C wrote:
How can I stop the Message Pane from appearing.
I keep UN-checking it in view > layout but it keeps reappearing every
once in a while.

Mike, as I understand it, dragging the divider bar to the bottom of the
screen *should* get rid of the message/preview pane, but, in another of
the threads here-abouts, it seemed that when a message was identified as
spam/similar notifications were causing the message/preview pane to

Is this similar to what you are experiencing??

It's a spam notification that makes it appear.

Does anyone know how to stop this??

turn off the Junk Mail controls, which is under Account Settings, not all I can think of.

Yes... BUT what if I want to filter out the spam.
I've have the spam filter on for about 10 years.
Never had this happen in the past.
Is it something that's been put in on purpose>
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