On 2/3/2014 4:26 AM, David Wilkinson wrote:
> Using SeaMonkey 2.23 I go to the Amazon Cloud Player web site, and try to 
> import 
> some of my music (for which you have to install the Amazon Music Importer).
> But a popup appears saying "A newer version of Adobe Flash Player must be 
> installed and enabled in order to import your music". But I have the latest 
> version of flash (which is
> What gives?

That message often indicates that the server (Amazon) is sniffing for
what browser you are using, doing it incrroectly by sniffing for
"Firefox" instead of "Gecko", and having a bug in how it responds to an
unkown browser.

Have you disabled "Advertise Firefox compatibility"?  If so, enable it
for Amazon?


David E. Ross

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