My Vista pc is under repair, so I am temporarily using Windows7. Concurrently, SeaMonkey has updated to 2.24. I have found some aggravating behaviour, and I don't know if it is due to the OS or Seamonkey.

First, if I have the email/newsgroup reader open, and the browser (with usually multiple tabs) open, I no longer find multiple icons in the bar at the bottom; I find one icon, so I have to click on it to see a listing of what is open, and choose where I want to go. That is a complication I dislike; how can I bring back the old way that is simpler and quicker?

Second, when I read email or newsgroups, I use the T and N keys. To mark a thread as read, T still works. But when I use the N key to move to the next item, the item I already read remains highlighted, when it used to be dehilighted. So If I use the N key, and read a whole group, the group remains pristine, as though I had never read it. I have to go back and use the T key; I haven't tried mark all read, but even if it works, it is an extra step. How can I fix this "improvement"?
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