On 3/11/2014 12:25 PM, Ron wrote:
> http://ulocal.wmur.com/mediadetail/18215187-Snowy-Owl-%26-others-in-Rye%2C-NH?gid=76457&uid=&sort=upload%20DESC&offset=37
> The box under the "Snowy Owl & others in Rye, NH" box should show the 
> picture. Works in IE 9

Windows 7 (x64)

Normally, I enable images only from the domain of the Web page I
requested.  With that setting, I did not see the owl.  After I enabled
images from all domains, however, I saw the photo of the owl.


David E. Ross

On occasion, I filter and ignore all newsgroup messages
posted through GoogleGroups via Google's G2/1.0 user agent
because of spam, flames, and trolling from that source.
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