Trane Francks wrote:
On 3/15/14 12:12 PM +0900, F Murtz wrote:
Is there any way to get back to the old system of clicking on the red X
to get rid of the tabs one at a time instead of removing all tabs or the
time consuming left right upside down clicking needed to remove one tab
at a time rubbish?
Why change something that works?

I have absolutely no idea what red X you're discussing. The X to close a
tab in SeaMonkey has always been located where it currently is.

The top right hand corner has the red x and it shuts things down
In the past in sea monkey it used to shut the page you were looking at, now it carries on about you have x no. of pages open do you want to shut the lot down, If you dont you have to right click on each one in turn then make another click to remove it, I wish to be able to have as many pages as I want and only remove the one currently on with one click on the X button, which I have been doing since I first got sea monkey until some bright spark came up with this latest malarkey, upsetting my equilibrium.
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