Interviewed by CNN on 28/04/2014 23:29, rjkrjk told the world:
> using the current version of SM  (2.25)   with  P4 3.0Ghz 2Gb win xp sp3
> when using google to find anything..... here's what happens,
> not only with 2,.25 but previous versions as well, not that I think it's a SM 
> problem.....
> 1. google search page... enter information
> 2. results displayed on google
> 3. click on a site for the item/info I need on
> 4. click back ( should go back to #2) but no
> 5. goes back to #1.. without any previous info entered, a blank google search 
> page
> seems to ONLY happen when accessing amazon
> anyone else have this situation, or understand why it may be happening

Weird. It worked fine for me:

1. Google for book title.
2. Google displays several results, including Wikipedia article for the
book, Goodreads, the author's website and major online bookstores
carrying the book.
3. Click on the link for the book on Page with the book is
4. Click back. Goes to #2, as it should.

I tested it both logged and unlogged on Amazon. I'm never logged on
Google, perhaps it makes a difference?


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