Paul Bergsagel wrote:
Rufus wrote: wrote:
I felt compelled to write this after the seeing the disaster that
Firefox is turning into with that new Australis interface.

SeaMonkey developers, you are doing an amazing job. I think the
interface is excellent, logical and *just works*, especially for desktop.
Please don't feel any need to ruin it in the same way that Firefox has
been ruined with the dumbed-down Chrome wannabe interface!

If you feel the same, please show your support for SeaMonkey devs. :)

...fix the interface bugs, at least...the Profile Manager is still
broken in the OS X version, as well as SM still not following on-disk
Alias paths to .html files.

And then there's the ignoring of my pref setting for Master Password
request...and the short drawn dialog boxes...

Please - *don't* keep SM the *same*!

No one wants to keep any bugs. We want to keep the way the UI is structured and functions. SeaMonkey IMHO would be going in the wrong direction if it copied the "Chromified" simplified UI interface and functionality.

I do not understand why browser/email clients need the same UI for both Desktop and Mobile devices. When a mobile app's UI is transferred to the desktop, I find it becomes more cumbersome and difficult to use. Just look at Windows 8. Developers gave Windows 8 the same UI as their mobile OS. The revamped UI may be fine for mobile devices, but is a disaster on the desktop.

BTW I love the fact that SeaMonkey is is an Internet Suite with tight integration between the browser and email apps.

Please don't join the trend to give SeaMonkey a UI which has been dumbed down and is more suitable for a mobile device. SeaMonkey's UI works well for the OS X desktop computer--enough said.

AMEN! I so agree with all that you said about minimalizing and changing everything to fit mobile devices. SMworks fine for all Windows desktops and laptops too ... as is. :)
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