PhillipJones wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Rufus wrote:
WaltS48 wrote:
[Metal Lion Sea Monkey & Silver Sea Monkey • mozillaZine

Screenshots in the forum post.

Both of these aren't bad...but I don't particularly like having to
cntrl+click to find a Close Tab dialog instead of just being able to
click a close X on the Tab or at the right corner of the page.

Back to SM Modern...

I miss the Sidebar grippie too...

Orbits 3 + 1 has the grippies and I use it just for that purpose. That
one of the best best features Themes use to have. I still miss it to
this day. In all the other themes. That is the most valuable feature in
ever in a SeaMonkey theme.

You don't realize what an advantage when reading Mail to be able to
click on the grippies and it switch to a just a listing of topics so you
can mark read without having to read. That is even more important than
having tabs.

Grippies rawk!

Is there a user.css trick I can play to make the Sidebar divider wider? I'd like it to be same width as a scroll bar.

I did something like that some time ago, but it was so long ago I can't remember what it was I did it for...

     - Rufus
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