On 7/28/2014 8:02 PM, Ben wrote:
> I have found that if you press the 'Reply' button in seamonkeys email
> client, that IF the
> email that your trying to quote has ANY grey text (very light coloured),
> then only text from
> the beginning of the email up UNTIL the text turns grey is selected to
> be quoted back in your
> 'Reply' email.
> Is this a Bug or Deliberate ?

Just before the gray text, there should be dash-dash-space on a line by
itself (as for my signature area below).  This line indicates a
signature follows.  Per RFC 3676, the signature area should not be
quoted in newsgroup messages.  That is why it appears gray, to indicate
what will not be quoted.

NOTE WELL:  The space after the dash-dash is required, and nothing else
can appear on that line.  The signature area begins below that line.

For a long time, Thunderbird also did not quote the signature area after
"-- " for E-mail.  This was made optional only for E-mail by
implementation of bug #58406 in 2010, about 10 years after it was
requested and after more than 200 comments arguing about the fact that
RFC 3676 addresses only newsgroup messages and not E-mail messages.

To include the signature area when quoting a prior E-mail message in a
reply, set the preference variable
mail.identity.default.suppress_signature_separator to "True"; the
default is "False".  Unfortunately, there is no actual user interface
for setting this.  You have two ways to set it.

Method 1:

a.  On the Thunderbird menu bar, select [Tools > Options].

b.  On the Options window, select the Advanced button at the top-right.

c.  On the Advanced pane, select the General tab.

d.  On the General tab, select the Config Editor button.

e.  On the about:config window, enter suppress_signature_separator in
the Search area.

f.  Double-click on the
mail.identity.default.suppress_signature_separator line to toggle the
false to true.

g.  Close the about:config window by selecting the X in the upper-right
corner, and close the Options window by selecting the OK button.

Method 2:

a.  On the Thunderbird menu bar, select [Help > Troubleshooting

b.  On the Troubleshooting Information window or tab, under Application
Basics, select the Show Folder button to the right of Profile Folder.

c.  On the window showing the contents of the profile folder, find the
file named user.js.  If there is no such file, create it as a plain-text

d.  Open the file user.js in a plain-text editor (e.g., Notepad,
Wordpad, but definitely NOT Word).

e.  Insert the following two lines:

user_pref("mail.identity.default.suppress_signature_separator", true);
//  Include signature area when quoting an E-mail message in a reply

f.  Save the edited user.js.

g.  Terminate and then relaunch Thunderbird.

In e above, you must include the semi-colon (;) at the end of the first
line.  The // at the beginning of the second line indicates it is a
comment; I always comment my user.js entries to remind me why I inserted
them.  Comments cannot be made in Method 1, which is why I prefer Method
2.  Also, changes to user.js do not become effective until Thunderbird
is launched; if Thunderbird is already running, it must thus be
terminated and then relaunched.

Whichever method you choose, setting
mail.identity.default.suppress_signature_separator to "True" will affect
only E-mail messages, not newsgroup messages.

David E. Ross

The Crimea is Putin's Sudetenland.
The Ukraine will be Putin's Czechoslovakia.
See <http://www.rossde.com/editorials/edtl_PutinUkraine.html>.
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