Hi all,
I'm new here today, and I recently downloaded SeaMonkey 2.26, which seemed to 
download OK, and I could run it, and I assume its has replaced previous 
versions of SeaMonkey.

I only use SeaMonkey composer. I have a 50MB+ website which uses SeaMonkey. 

I have problems controlling how both SeaMonkey and Firefox view my recently 
composed pages, and text and images are displayed too large so I try to set 
zoom to 80% and that makes it look right, but while in composer I can't change 
the size of everything, and colors don't appear.

If I use Firefox to browse my own pages to look for faults the different colors 
of text and background don't appear, and page is too big, everything enlarged 
too much.

If I use basic Chrome to view my pages, the text is OK but a size too small. 
But images look just right as they do when I view then in MS paint where I 
prepared many .gif schematics. 

I'm no html expert, but somehow SeaMonkey Composer just ain't working properly 
to give me colors and sizes to allow 100% predictable results which are the 
same when using Chrome, Firefox or SeaMonkey in browser mode.
They should be all the same. But I ain't getting to see what I really will get 
when I compose.

Should I uninstall all of existing SeaMonkey stuff, then "start all over again" 
with downloading SeaMonkey or should I just give up, and try some other WYSIWYG 
web page maker?

Patrick Turner. 

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