M van Ketel wrote:
Ed Mullen wrote:
M van Ketel wrote:
I installed the new SeaMonkey version (v2.29) yesterday.
And since then the icon shown in my taskbar doesn't show the main
Seamonkey-icon, but it shows the mailnews-icon, even when I open just
the browser (not touching mailnews-part yet).
Are more people experiencing this?
Any ideas on fixing this? Or is it a bug?


Right-click choose Properties - Change Icon button.  Select an icon.

On the active icon there's no such option.

The strange thing is I start Seamonkey normal, and it opens with my
normal browser homepage.
Right-clicking on the icon in the task bar, somehow shows Seamonkey Mail
as the top of the 3 items listed in the bottom (Seamonkey Mail, pin to
task bar, close all windows).
So somehow starting normal with browser, opening the browser...
Seamonkey thinks I'm in Seamonkey Mail.


Oops. Sorry, I was reading too fast. I was thinking of the icon in the Quick Launch toolbar.

If you go to Edit - Preferences - Appearance what is checked under "When SeaMonkey starts up, open"?

Ed Mullen
If the odds are a million to one against something occurring, chances are 50-50 it will.
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