Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Bill Spikowski wrote:

I was organizing bookmarks today and messed something up. Dragging
folders of bookmarks is sometimes flaky, with folders ending up in the
wrong place, but I've never actually LOST any folders. This time I'm
afraid I have, about a dozen folders that are pretty important to me.

I have a backup of places.sqlite from yesterday, but I'd rather not
replace the current file because I have made a lot of other bookmark
changes since yesterday. Is there a way to extract just the lost folders
from yesterday's places.sqlite and paste it into my current file?

I have the SQLite Manager extension installed, but I have no clue how it
works, or if it can accomplish what I want to do.

Here's one clumsy workaround, others may think of something better:

1) Export your current configuration as Bookmarks.HTML. Rename it so you can 
identify it, e.g., MangledBookmarks.HTML.

2) With SM closed, copy/paste the backup places.sqlite over the existing one.

3) Launch SM and import MangledBookmarks.HTML, which should create a separate 
bookmark folder.

4) Drag and drop the lost folders back to where you want them. Delete whatever 
folders you no longer need.

5) Lather, rinse, repeat. ;-)

YES -- that worked like a charm!
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