Daniel wrote on 12/12/2014 8:27 PM:
On 13/12/14 03:26, Ed Mullen wrote:
Daniel wrote on 12/12/2014 7:14 AM:
On 12/12/14 02:51, David E. Ross wrote:
On 12/11/2014 12:30 AM, Daniel wrote:
On 11/12/14 14:12, David E. Ross wrote:


Flashblock 1.5.18 is for Firefox.  The latest version for
SeaMonkey is
1.3.21, which should be good even for SeaMonkey versions starting

What "SeaMonkey versions start with 3.nnn."?? Or do you mean SM 2.3nn,

No, I really meant 3.nnn.  The install.rdf file for Flashblock 1.3.21
anticipates a future SeaMonkey version number beginning with 3.  Note
the <em:maxVersion> in the following fragment from that install.rdf
        <!-- Seamonkey TNG -->

Ahh!! So it should work for every edition up to and *excluding* ver
3.n!! That seems reasonable.

Err, I think that means up to and INCLUDING ver. 3.x.

So does that mean it's good up to Ver 3.99??


I thought the maxVersion
was the Version at which it would stop working!!

It stops working when the version exceeds what is specified. In this example, the extension would not be compatible with SM version 4.x.

Ed Mullen
When it rains, why don't sheep shrink?
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