Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
EE wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
This evening, I cleared all private data (including cache and cookies),
and then visited

Immediately after aborting their troublesome javascript,* I inspected my
cookies and discovered that had set a cookie.

Now, my cookie policy at Edit | Preferences | Privacy & Security |
Cookies is "Allow cookies for the originating website only (no
third-party cookies)."

So how was Google able to set a cookie if I never visited their site?

It's bad enough that they update their dossier on me when I visit their
own sites, do they have to do it everywhere else, too?\

More to the point, how can I set SeaMonkey to do as it says and block
third-party cookies?

* -- They have a series of annoying scripts that grind SM to a halt and
must be aborted before the site becomes usable. The URLs are constantly
changing; today's version was at

And I'm constantly updating my custom filter in AdBlock Plus. That isn't
my question.

Even though I default to blocking cookies, I added an exception to block
Google cookies, just to make sure.  That works.  I have no Google

That's problematic for me because I do have a gmail account and
sometimes use it to login to other sites (as soon as I'm done, I clear
the cookies and resume living privately). is not one of those,
and AFAIK has not been bought by Google the way Yahoo has.

I thought it was Microsoft that bought Yahoo?

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