Rufus wrote on 13/01/2015 21:05:
Ray_Net wrote:
Stéphane Grégoire wrote on 13/01/2015 10:43:

F Murtz a écrit le 12/01/2015 15:00 :
It seem that cross posting is barred. It is extremely annoying that when
replying to a post that is cross posted, first it does not go anywhere
and when I discover this I have to manually post to each NG in turn
which means removing each address in turn and posting separately.
Is this sea monkey that does this or is it astraweb?

Is there any way round this?

On server1 you have subscribed to newsa and newsb and on server2 on
newsb, newc, newsd.

crosspost to newc, newsd is possible but crosspost to newsb, newsd is
imposssible in Seamonkey!!!

Only solution unsubcribe of newsb on server1!

Is it that silly bug?

Just what i was saying .. if you have not subscribed, you cannot
crosspost ... but I find always a guy saying : that's not true.
Always a guy saying that SM have no bugs :-)

I agree - you can *send* to a non-subscribed NG (it's just an e-mail), you just can't *read* it unless you subscribe. I don't think that's a bug...

Just a test replying addind mozilla.test which I am not subscribed.
If you can see this reply, ok, I can crosspost to a not-subscribed group.
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