David E. Ross wrote on 17/01/2015 06:32:
On 1/16/2015 7:11 PM, Desiree wrote:
Why was SeaMonkey 2.3.2 released with this bug?  Autoscroll is essential
if you don't want carpal tunnel and other hand/wrist problems.

The problem was discovered in beta and I think release should have been
delayed as this makes SM 2.3.2 unusable.


Why are you fussing with SeaMonkey 2.3.2?  It was released 3-1/2 years
ago and replaced with 2.3.3 less than a week later.

The bug say:
Bug 1114285 - general.autoScroll not work in 2.32 beta

So the op refer to 2.32 and not to 2.3.2 ...

You deliberately try to convince us that you believe he actually spoke of 2.3.2 ?
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